Monday, January 16, 2012

Opportunity Knocked

Well, after lots of prayer, conversations, and consideration, Jonah decided that he would not like to participate in the high school musical, after all.  I am proud of him for seriously considering the option, and I'm proud of the decision-making process he went through.

Being in the musical meant that he would be required to attend one class every day at school, and he would not be able to work at his occasional job or visit his grandparents, and he isn't willing to give up his freedom quite so quickly.  I think we all realized that school attendance just would not fit into our lifestyle. We are too spur-of-the-moment, flexible, fly-by-the-seat-of-our-pants kind of people! But I wanted it to be his decision, and it was.  He did what he wanted to do.

Doing great with coupons: tonight at CVS I spent about $34 on about $92 worth of products.  I am adding to my stockpiles!  Here's what I got:

  • (3) Axe Deodorants
  • (3) Glade Spray Scents (normally $11.99 each)
  • (4) Tubes Crest 3D White Toothpaste
  • (4) 12-pks Coke 
  • (2) Valentine's Day Hershey Kisses 8 oz. 
  • (2) 9.5-oz Triscuits
  • (2) 10-oz Wheat Thins
  • (2) 6-oz Ritz Cheddar Crackerfulls
  • (1) $10 CVS Gift Card
Since I have more time on my hands, I've been concentrating on using coupons wisely to stock up on things when they are on sale. Now, I just have to figure out a cheaper way to collect the coupons that I need. I've been buying 7 newspapers every week, but there has to be a better way.

Tomorrow night is basketball practice (my friend Angie and I are coaching a 2nd and 3rd grade team), and then Silas is going to Boy Scouts for the first time.  He doesn't know it's better that way.  He doesn't think Boy Scouts will be as fun as Cadets!

Friday, January 6, 2012

Today we did something I never thought we would do.

We went to the local high school to see if Jonah could register with them so that he could be a part of the high school musical.

Well, it wasn't a bad experience.  The vice principal was very nice and helpful.  He's going to do some research for us to see what we have to do to make this possible.  He thinks Jonah will just have to register for one class.

Not sure what I think about this right now.  It's an opportunity.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Please Accept My Apology!

Okay, okay...I know it's been a long time since you even heard a peep outta me. I'm sorry! It's just that I really have been busy.

We moved to a new state, started a new ministry, took another mission trip to Honduras and got through the holidays! I haven't had time to breathe, let alone blog!

So, to catch you up really quickly, everything is going fantabulous! I love the house we're renting (it's on a lake channel, twice the size of our old house and 1/2 the monthly payment, what's there not to love?), our new church has welcomed us with open arms, my brother & his family brought my mom for a visit last week, and I've lost 1.5 pounds over the last two weeks.

I do miss my friends, and sometimes I miss my old job, but not very often! The kids and I are finally getting into a good routine with schoolwork and household chores. Life is peaceful, exactly what I've wanted for so long...