Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Please Accept My Apology!

Okay, okay...I know it's been a long time since you even heard a peep outta me. I'm sorry! It's just that I really have been busy.

We moved to a new state, started a new ministry, took another mission trip to Honduras and got through the holidays! I haven't had time to breathe, let alone blog!

So, to catch you up really quickly, everything is going fantabulous! I love the house we're renting (it's on a lake channel, twice the size of our old house and 1/2 the monthly payment, what's there not to love?), our new church has welcomed us with open arms, my brother & his family brought my mom for a visit last week, and I've lost 1.5 pounds over the last two weeks.

I do miss my friends, and sometimes I miss my old job, but not very often! The kids and I are finally getting into a good routine with schoolwork and household chores. Life is peaceful, exactly what I've wanted for so long...

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